Your right of access according to Art. 15 DSGVO
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, our customers have a right to obtain information about their saved data, free of charge. Upon request, we will inform you in writing if and which personal data we have stored about you, in accordance with applicable law.
1. You already have a customer account at B. Braun
Please use the following contact form and and we will send you your information by normal post.
The fields marked with an asterix (*) are mandatory fields.
2. You are not a customer of B. Braun yet
In order to ensure that personal data are not announced to third parties, please send your inquiry by normal post with the clear identification of your person (e.g. by enclosing a copy of your personal identity card) to:
Data Protection Department
B. Braun Melsungen AG
Carl-Braun-Straße 1
34212 Melsungen
Please blacken everything apart from your first and last names, your address and your date of birth. Even if the sending causes any inconvenience to you – however only this way can be ensure that B. Braun only provides information to the requesting person in a legally admissible manner.