One challenge - various solutions
For thorough cleaning trays have to be split in the washer disinfector.
Identifying trays belonging together on the packing side is a challenge, especially on loaner sets. An articel in "outpaieent surgery" showed the solution with color wrapped paper clips and container locks.
However there are also more durable solutions like such numbered clips.
No matter what the solution is most important is
identify the chlallenge
find a solution
test it
if not satisfactory, find a better one
Many times we find ourselves caught in old habits having stopped searching for improvements.
Identifying trays belonging together on the packing side is a challenge, especially on loaner sets. An article in "Outpaient Surgery" showed the solution with color wrapped paper clips and container locks.
However there are also more durable solutions like numbered clips.
No matter what the solution is, most important is:
Identify the challenge
Find a solution
Test it
If not satisfactory, find a better one
Many times we find ourselves caught in old habits having stopped searching for improvements.